Thursday, May 31, 2007

I miss Justice O'Connor, don't you?

Ok, I don't miss everything about Sandra Day O'Connor, but boy was it sad when Justice Ginsburg mentioned feeling lonely on the Court. Her voice as the lone woman and mother on the Court is especially crucial now. The crappy ruling this week on equal pay for equal work proves it.

I'm putting in this MomsRising post because it basically says exactly how I feel about this week's ruling from SCOTUS. I wish I could tell Justice Ginsburg personally how much of a hero she is. Supporting the Congressional response to the ruling through MomsRising will be how I do that, and perhaps how you do it, too.


The Supreme Court just delivered a huge blow to the fight for equal pay for equal work.

It told Lilly Ledbetter, a 60-year old "fiery mother of two," that even though, for years, she was paid between 15% and 40% less than her male counterparts on the management team (a fact she learned late in her 19 year career), she could not make a claim of workplace discrimination. Why couldn't she make a claim? Lily Ledbetter learned about the pay discrepancies too late. The court ruled that claims must be made within 180 days after the pay is set. But how many of us know what our co-workers make? In fact, it's illegal to ask in many states.

Justice Ruth Ginsburg wrote the dissenting opinion for the 5-to-4 decision, and in it she asked Congress to overturn the ruling and clarify the intent of the law. Several Congressional leaders are already stepping forward to counter this outrage by drafting new fair-minded legislation. Let's get behind them so they can pass this legislation immediately.

SIGN THE PETITION & PASS IT ON: Tell Congress, "We Need Equal Pay for Equal Work--it is good law, make it enforceable!" Sign on at:;t%3Dpetition.dwt

Sign the petition and then pass it on to friends so we can build support for the Congressional leaders who are stepping forward to right this wrong. Frankly, they need our help--because as the Washington Post reports, business groups, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, are applauding this dangerous, short-sighted ruling.

CITIZEN VOICES ARE CRUCIAL: Citizen voices are going to be crucial to giving leaders the "political capital" they require to fix this problem. Here's what several of the key leaders who are fighting for us have to say about the ruling:

"Yesterday's Supreme Court decision reflects a poor understanding of the real problems with long-term pay discrimination," said Senator Harkin. "Most new employees feel less comfortable challenging their salaries, and it is very difficult to determine when pay discrimination begins. Furthermore, a small pay gap tends to widen over time, only becoming noticeable when there is systemic discrimination over a period of years. I look forward to working with my Senate colleagues to ensure every worker receives the paycheck he or she deserves."

"Unless Congress Acts, this Supreme Court ruling will have far-reaching implications for women, and will gravely limit the rights of employees who have suffered pay discrimination based on their race, sex, religion or national origin. All Americans deserve equal pay for equal work and it is our responsibility to get this right," said Senator Clinton.

"This week's Supreme Court decision sends a dangerous message about the value of pay equity in this country. It is unacceptable that women and others would be limited in their opportunities to stand up for themselves and for their families. I am proud to team up with my colleagues to right this wrong," said Senator Mikulski.

"As Justice Ginsburg suggests, the ball has now fallen into Congress' court and we intend to address this ruling," said Representative George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee. "The Supreme Court's narrow decision makes it more difficult for workers to stand up for their basic civil rights at work and that is unacceptable."

*Don't forget to sign the petition and pass it along to friends and family as well. Let's support the Congressional leaders who are coming forward to right this wrong. Sign on at:;t%3Dpetition.dwt
Best - The MomsRising Team

p.s. Have you experienced workplace discrimination? What happened? Share your story and experiences with all at: and/or email us at:
p.p.s. Want to read more about it? Here are some good articles:
- Washington Post:
- CNN Money:
- New York Times:;en%3D1294cb12e89e8de5%26amp;ex%3D1181275200%26amp;adxnnl%3D1%26amp;emc%3Deta1%26amp;adxnnlx%3D1180616460-kYG7B4yqGfsywiTIkSreZA
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