We were at Tilden Park twice in the last two weeks-- once for the steam trains, once for a wedding at the gorgeous Brazilian Room. It was Paloma's second wedding already! She mingled, had her nap, and then was so sweet dancing with Dada and me on the dance floor.
The first two are from our ride on the steam train (it's kind of a miniature train that runs through the redwoods); the second two are from the wedding.

Paloma in Dada's lap, on the train just with the depot behind.

In Mama's lap, doing this new sticky-outy tongue thing. It's very kitten-ish and cute.

Just off the lovely patio where the wedding took place. This is Paloma and her daddy running down a hill. It was such a Little House on the Prairie moment! Absolutely gorgeous.

Dancing with Mama. That's an handmade hairclip-- it's a dove (la paloma!) from the MimiSaysHi store at etsy.com.