Saturday, September 06, 2014

AcroArmy on NBC's America's Got Talent features US national and world champion athletes

Are you a tv watcher?
Fan of America's Got Talent?
An athlete?

If you answered yes or no to any of the above, then now's a great time to get to know the acrobatic gymnasts of season 9 of America's Got Talent: Acroarmy

Many of these athletes are part of the United States' acrobatic gymnastics national team

As an acro parent, I'm guessing that working in television is more television exposure than most of them usually get as competitive athletes.

I'm proud of all the athletes not only for making it so far in this nationally televised competition, but also for the work they put in every day for years to get here. I'm grateful for the leadership and vision of choreographer Arthus Davis III, whose great love for the athletes and the sport propelled this beauty into the world. And I'm proud that two of the senior elite athletes are from our home gym, WestCoast Training Center in Livermore, CA. WestCoast has long been a home for champion athletes thanks to head coach Marie Annonson. But more than that, it's been a positive place for my two kids to learn about tenacity through frustration, patience, hard work, trust, and responsibility.

Check out the group's Judgment Week performance:

AcroArmy is currently in the top 12, having passed through the semi-finalist round with robust audience support due to this unforgettable routine:

They will be performing again at Radio City Music Hall on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. Tune in with millions to see what happens and to VOTE VOTE VOTE!

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