The need has arisen indeed.
From MomsRising:
Our hearts go out to the women, children, and all people of Haiti who are suffering in the wake of the recent earthquake. Many of our members are asking how they can help out. We've been told that cash donations to humanitarian organizations that are working in Haiti are the most efficient and effective way to help the relief effort in Haiti right now. They allow humanitarian organizations to purchase (often within the affected region itself) the exact type and quantity of items needed by those affected by the crisis.
If you're interested in helping out families in Haiti immediately, here are some organizations to which you can contribute:
- You can contribute online to the Red Cross here: site/Donation2?4306.donation= form1&idb=1258680681&df_id= 4306&JServSessionIdr004= k1o23ghjt4.app196a (You can also donate $10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999")
- Donations to Doctors Without Borders can be made here: https://donate. SSLPage.aspx?pid=197&hbc=1? ref=main-menu
- In addition, you can also find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information, or through USAID's interactive website, which has a list of NGOs and instructions on how to help.
We each have a nearly endless capacity to stretch our hearts when the need arises. This is a critical time to help children and families in crisis.
If you're interested in helping out families in Haiti immediately, here are some organizations to which you can contribute:
- You can contribute online to the Red Cross here:
- Donations to Doctors Without Borders can be made here: https://donate.
- In addition, you can also find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information, or through USAID's interactive website, which has a list of NGOs and instructions on how to help.
We each have a nearly endless capacity to stretch our hearts when the need arises. This is a critical time to help children and families in crisis.