The main reason I subscribe to the SF Chron is for the Food section, which is beautiful. They've just improved it and will include articles about sustainability, organics and food politics in general. I'm excited for it. I think since Michael Pollan's The Omnivore's Dilemma (and Marion Nestle's What to Eat, and many others) people have become much more aware of how their food choices distinctly affect our own community, our state and the world around us.
And here's the exciting part-- strawberries and asparagus are in season and bountiful! My favorite local farm is Blue Moon Organics. They produce the sweetest, freshest little fruits you can imagine. Some will argue that Swinton Farms is best, but I have to say that in my experience, Blue Moon has the best fruit the most consistently. At Monterey Market they're currently selling those little blue pint baskets. YAY!
ALSO, all you SAHMs (stay at home moms/dads/caregivers), tell me what you think of your experience at my blogpost on the MomsRising website. Can't wait to hear from you!