Because I've been holding up my own blogging, I needed to write this post. What's my deal, bro?
1. Know Your Audience (this #1 tip brought to you by Lizz Winstead)
Who are you writing this for anyway? Speak directly to and for them. This is for them. Remember that and the fear (aka "perfectionism") often evaporates.
If you know anyone who might fit the bill as a desirable reader (eg, your friends and family), ask them to come comment. If you don't want to go that route, then imagine a person reading your blogpost and getting something out of it. Write just for that person. Ignore the noise of everyone else. The older I get, the more I joyfully embrace the fact that I will never please everyone. But the people I care about, they're the ones with whom I want to have this dialogue.
Or just write for yourself. Tell yourself you're never going to publish the post. There's nothing forcing you to publish it, and there's so much satisfaction to be gained from getting the words out of your head and onto the paper or screen. So just take that small step.
And then trick yourself and hit Publish before you can stop yourself.
2. Channel your inner frat boy.
You know who I'm talking about. The big guy who wears a backwards baseball cap, or maybe a power suit. He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about any more than anyone else does-- not really. But the guy is just so damn confident. He acts like everyone should be listening to him. He shuts others down because HE has to talk and make his point right now-- he's not waiting for the talking stick. And you should be darn grateful he's here.
Yes, this guy is annoying. No, you don't want to be an arrogant ass. But think for one minute about what it'd be like to just *act* like this. Not even out loud if that's too much. Just in your head for a second, try it out. "Everyone, listen to me. I've got the idea that's gonna work." For one minute, don't worry about cutting anyone off or hearing anyone out. For one minute, just write whatever you want to write and believe that it's God's gift to humanity.
This can really work wonders.
Then go back and edit that. But you've got something on paper/onscreen because you've gotten past your own silencing politeness.
3. Let your blog be a blog.
I've decided to adopt the philosophy that a blog is a place to experiment. This blog is a public place, so I don't want to be TOO messy. But I also don't want to wait for perfection. I want this blog (and my much more dashed-off tumblr blog) to be a blog, not a novel, not a poem. It might communicate something useful, or give someone a needed break, or inspire someone to write a comment or to write their own blogpost. On a great day, it might approach beauty.
And it's ok if today is not that day.
So go forth and blog! And please do share the link to your blog below so I can check yours out.